The company is located in the "hometown of China's chair industry", a comfortable office environment, a positive and courageous team.
Interactive Art Gallery and Bar
The folks at ReVision Lounge in the East Village of New York City take old skis and turn them into bar stools, wine barrels into tables, bike tires into chairs--in fact, everything at this bar has been repurposed. Designer Johnny Barounis has combined elements of a high-end, chic lounge with an "interactive" gallery. According to the website, ReVision Lounge is not only a bar but also an art gallery, and the "artwork" includes the bar's furnishings, lighting, and even the bar itself. Each piece of art is created entirely from repurposed items. The gallery is being referred to as "interactive" because not only is the artwork being showcased it is also being actively used in its new repurposed forms. According to the site, "It is then that they become a viable item, saved from the landfill forever."